Thursday, July 26, 2018

It's a conspiracy...

It appears that all of my fiber is conspiring to keep me focused on spinning for the TdF, so I've been spinning and plying. So far, I've 

Blue/blue; blue/purple; purple/purple,
plus a lemon from the garden

  • Finished spinning a 4 oz braid of a blue wool and silk (?) that I'd been taking with me to spinning demos 
  • Finsihed spinning a 4 oz braid of a purplish wool and silk braid from Twisted Sunshine
  • Plyed both of the above into 2 ply skeins. So I have one skein each plied with itself and one skein of them plied with each other. 
  • Finished spinning and partly plied 5.8oz of BFL/silk from Wonderland Dyeworks in BFL/silk
  • Started spinning some yummy Alfalfa green merino/silk from Abstract Fibers. 
Friday night and Saturday, I'm staffing our guild booth at a local music festival, so I'm guessing I'll get a lot of spinning done; if I finish the green, I'll move to something else. One of our volunteers doesn't have a portable project so I warped up the inkle loom for the first time with a pattern from this site; I need to work on my selvedges. Maybe it's the novelty, or maybe it's that I need to leave it mostly not woven for the festival, but I could just sit and weave on this...
First Inkle band! The selvedges will get better.

Conspiring against me are the rep rug; I have the warp wound and ready to go on the loom; I started to do that today but I have 27" lease sticks and it's a 30" rug. Drat! I've been meaning to order new lease sticks, so it's not like this is a surprise or anything. The other conspirator is my knitting. I'm so close to being done with the section on the Pebble Beach Shawl that I have ripped out repeatedly but yet I just looked at it again yesterday and I'll need to rip back 6 rows. 

On the food front, I'm going to do a deep dive into Mark Miller'cookbooks. I made the Grilled Salmon with a corn and chili salsa from the Indian Market Cookbook; served it with kale from the garden and a nice albarino. Then I made some plum ice cream (plums, cream, sugar) from The Perfect Scoop; a total treat and a happy vivid pink color. I'll be cooking from both cookbooks again when DH is home again.

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