Friday, August 9, 2024

Travelogue: Copenhagen day 2

Half of the hall of Danish chairs
On my second day in Copenhagen, I walked out to the Design Museum. About a third of the museum was current exhibits, one featuring avant garde fashion, the other, Japanese woodblock prints similar to the ones at the recent SF exhibit. The room full of chairs (I think 120?) was interesting as well a few rooms focusing on specific Danish designers (i.e. Poul Henningson). There's also a lovely textile section.  I enjoyed lunch in the garden at the museum cafe! I had the unpronouncable Smørrebrød.

In the afternoon, I did a walking tour with the Danish Architecture Center; we walked through the Borgen, and looked at a variety of older buildings, when across the river to see more modern buildings. The guide, and architecture student, talked about how the river was a run down collection of old warehouses, and the ways that Copenhagen had revitalized the area. It's now a hip collection of restored old buildings, new buildings incorporating old buildings, and straight out new buildings. It's clean, feels safe, and is a lovely place to be. 

det kongelige Bibliotek
Here's det kongelige Bibliotek (the Danish Royal Library), which is relevant to me as it's a source for book info in LibraryThing. 

Dinner was Fiskfrikadelle which was darn tasty.... I ate at a small restaurant on the square with the fuck you statue.  It was fine but I think there's far better food in Copenhagen...


More photos at the same location as Day 1....

Social Protest

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