Friday, August 9, 2024

Travelogue, Broby part 1

 I took the train from Copenhagen to Hassleholm, Sweden to meet up with the tour. The trains are neat and well kept and relatively ontime. What a pleasure to see Sarah and Simon again! We settled down in Broby to start our explorations the next day...

Broby Gastis

We stayed at the Broby Gästgivaregård, a 17th century building that was probably originally an old farmhouse... During the years that Skania was ruled by Denmark, the Danish King established a chain of stables through the region so he could change out his horses when travelling through the region; this became one of them. The last remodel re-exposed a lot of the old beams and gives the building a lot of character; despite it's age it's a comfortable place to stay. It wasn't clear to me if Sylvia and Frederick own it, or just run it; but it's well run with exceptional food.

The very. next morning, I woke up feeling super-crappy and emailed Sarah asking her to bring me a covid test. I tested positive and crawled back into bed. I had about two days of mild fever and slept a lot; then spent the next few days taking slow walks around town while the rest of the group went to the weaving class. Of course I could not join them.

Usually when we travel, DH and I are quite active and busy seeing everything we can possibly fit it... We don't have the concept of "slow travel" figured out. This forced quiet time for me was actually very enjoyable, just to slow down and look at what was around me. 

An old bridge

There's a history park with some old buildings

View from another bridge... this place is beautiful

Old railway converted to a rail-bike path

I also walked through the grocery store a few times, masked... I found this in the cat food aisle. The brand is pronounced Meow...

On the day we left Broby to transition to Lund, I tested negative, but a couple folks were not comfortable sharing a car with me; they took the tour van and I took the bus and train, which was frankly more enjoyable than a trip in the van!

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