Saturday, July 6, 2024

Greek inspired lunch

 I made a Greek inspired lunch for my sister and her friend J; I love my sister and J is always a treat to hang out with. I loved the recipes, too, so will record them here:

Lamb meatballs, baked, not fried. This made 12 meatballs, which for lunch was plenty, but I think I'd double the recipe if I made it again. Fifteen minutes in the oven is plenty

tzatziki Saturday

Greek Fava which is super easy and very tasty... Essentially, it's hummus made with yellow split peas and no tahini. I got it super smooth in the blender.

A simple greek salad, also with my own cucumbers (super prolific plant!)

Homemade sourdough bread... This was my best effort yet but not very crusty and did not rise as high as I think it should. I wonder if I'm getting my starter ready enough. Still, this was a step in the right direction. I'm going to do more reading and maybe stop overthinking it. Or ping M to see if he can guide me from afar.

I also through in some crackers from the sourdough discard I've been saving. DH loves them and they're easy... so... crackers...

The pressure is on to finish this!
And a peach galette. The peaches were super ripe so I only used a little sugar; a little more would have been better. 

For dinner, DH and just had a slice of bread with some fava and salad.... and a glass of Greywacke The Contours Sauv Blanc... I think 2014? It's a wild yeast and I love the slightly funky taste of it. 

On the fiber front, I've got a few things going... I'm frantically trying to finish this red cotton yardage so I can make a shirt out of it to wear on my trip in two weeks. I'm hoping to weave off the last 20 inches or so tomorrow, it's a fast weave and a lot of fun so it's totally doable. 

Tour de Fleece!

We're also watching the TdF, and despite the fact I promised I would not do the Tour de Fleece, I caved when HH's son 3D printed a little case for it that mounts on a tripod. So I'm spinning Frost Yarn's Diver's Cove that I got at the final Stitches event. For scale, the little spinner is about 4x5 inches.

Last (but not least) I'm still knitting on that sweater in the Invito yarn... no photos. 

All other projects are currently stalled.

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