Monday, June 3, 2024


The last time I posted (mid May), I seemed to have some momentum... but it feels like it's faded. But one of the reasons I keep this blog is to prove (to myself) that things are not as lazy as they seem!  I've annotated the list I made last time:

  • Finish Shiny: Yep! It's done. Although it fit PERFECTLY off the needles, it grew about an inch in every dimension after a quick blocking. Wah. I'm going to wear it a few times before I shorten sleeves or look at other options.
  • Work on the table: Yep! I worked on the table! I cut 20 or so more leaves but still need another 20 or 30. I'm looking at ideas for the poolside dining table.
  • Make 2 runners: We picked one out! And I ordered fiber! So that's progress.
  • Finalize decisions and set up the Bronson lace for weaving: Decisions are made. It's wound. I just can't seem to get the energy to get it on the loom
  • Test the Seamwork Hansie pattern: Nope. No progress here, but since I'm waiting on the Bronson lace fabric, yeah, that's okay.
The DH played keyboards at a Jam Session at a local brew pub one Sunday; I walked there (yikes! 10 miles, the last 3 with blisters) but then spent the afternoon spinning on the Nano and listening. I started a blue/green merino/silk/bamboo.

I started a very basic sweater in Invito and I'm pretty excited about it.

You may see a loaf of bread but 
I see Toast and Sandwiches

On the cooking front, I found a wheat that doesn't hurt me!!!  I now have a bread journal; if you're reading this (and you're not me) and want to look at it, send me an email. I currently have 2 sourdough cultures going (should I combine them?).  I've made two loaves of plain white sandwich bread (easy) and one loaf of sourdough sandwich bread using this recipe. I'll admit the sourdough is more interesting, but the plain white bread was pretty good too!  There was also an 18 minute plus baking exercise in Matzo, and some seeded crackers (seeds didn't stick). Still yummy.

I also cooked the stuffed peppers from Tsakiris's Sea Salt and Honey cookbook that I picked up at the library, using leftover turkey from the freezer, quinoa, and some rather interesting spices.  It's not the right cookbook if you want to cook classical greek food, but it's an interesting Greek-ish cookbook with lovely commentary and some interesting dishes!

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