Sunday, May 19, 2024

Lots to report for mid May!

New Born Yarn
I've been spending time in the garden, getting some food crops in for summer, and some out on the bike getting read for a BackRoads tour in September... and it feels like I'm not doing anything in the studio! But I assessed the last few weeks and here's the list:

I finished plying the fiber I'd bought years ago at the KAFF in Oregon... It's 8 ounces of slightly underplied two ply. I plied 4 ounces of varigated singles with 4 ounces of a brown sheep wool labeled "Tasmanian Comeback".

Border of double huck scarf

The double huck samples and project are done. I really liked the class; I learned a lot about how to think about and manipulate structure. It was pretty fussy and I made a number of treadling mistakes and I'm not pleased with the end result. But it's also thick enough to be unwearable in this climate so I'm okay with not wearing it. Will I do it again? I think it would make a wonderful and luxe bath towel (in cotton) but it was so fussy I'm pretty much not interested in weaving it again. This felt like a successful project even though I feel the result was not entirely successful.

Goat, ready for a project

That goat fiber I was spinning? I finally finished plying it all and it's in the finished yarn closet. It's a pile of yummy inconsistently spun worsted-weight+ yarn... Not sure what I'll do with it. The original thought was a carpet but after I started I wished I'd taken more time to remove the VM and to spin it a bit more consistantly.

I finished weaving the Atwater Bronson Lace sample in 20/2 cotton; I sampled at 3 different setts (36, 32.5, and 30). I thought I'd like the denser sett but honestly like the two lighter ones better. I'm still debating 32.5 vs. 30 and am now waffling on color but should be starting that in the next week or so.

DH helped me upgrade my sewing machine and I now have Bernina Pinpoint Placement. I'm working with a snap hoop and I had a lot of issues with the first project... So the pattern is off by a quarter inch or so in a couple of spots. I think it'll still make an okay pillow for somewhere... but it was leftover batting scraps and unbleached muslin for a practice piece so I don't feel that attached. I'll put together a post on all that I am learning.

I also made some decisions about the table-in-progress and did cut some glass for it last week.

Finally, the Shiny sweater is on the homestretch; I only have half a sleeve to go, plus 2 seams and the sleeve hems. I'm pretty excited about this!

I'll spend some time thinking about what's next... but what's clear is:
  • Finish Shiny
  • Work on the table
  • Make 2 runners, one for the France Trip
  • Finalize decisions and set up the Bronson lace for weaving
  • Test the Seamwork Hansie pattern

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