Sunday, December 31, 2017

Judy Niemeyer quilts and mushrooms!

I'll end this year with three photos.

I've been working on the blocks for that Judy Niemeyer quilt; I'm a little more than half way and trying to finish it up before I take another class building on the same techniques...  Here's part of what I finished this morning.  When I sew them together, the blocks will be 16" square.

Next are the fabrics for the class next weekend.

And finally, meringue mushrooms I made. Making these (or any meringue, really) was on my cooking bucket list. They were absolutely adorable and totally yummy, although a close inspection would indicate perhaps I need more practice with a piping bag. I took a small box of them to S and to P earlier this week when we had lunch in Carmel Valley, so now there are none left... So sad...

Happy New Year to all!

Quilt in progress
Quilt to be
Mushrooms, made from meringue

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