Friday, May 25, 2018

It's summer vacation!!!

I cannot begin to tell you the glee with which I am greeting the end of the school year and the beginning of my summer vacation. After decades of working, I can finally appreciate what it will be like to have completely unstructured time, for those few brief months before I start school again mid August.

I was so delighted about it today, that I bought DH a trash can for the garage. Now that's love.

I'm thinking about my fashion illustration class. The instructor claimed she could teach anyone to draw a fashion figure. Here's my sketch the first day of class, and my final project in watercolor, titled "Macy's Sells Hijabs".  HUGE difference. My thanks to Kathleen for all her help!

I am a little disturbed by the implications for women's positive body images, and the effects drawings like this the self esteem of women who think they should look like this.  These are not human body proportions!!! A part of me is sad to have participated in the celebration of unattainability. On the other hand, I learned a lot about figure drawing that would be fairly easy to adapt to more realistic people, and that was my goal in the class; to be able to render human-like figures in more than pencil with clothing that I might want to wear; I think I can do this now.

I'll end this, then, with my happy palette, which would make a splendid fabric, no?

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