Quilting again! I broke out the City Pub quilt fabric and blocks; I found a photo of blocks dated more than 20 years ago. I'm working from a pattern from an old QNM for block layout. Here's the new 24" center block; I'm liking it, although it's not laying exactly flat. I suspect a couple of slightly off kilter templates or bias based on fussy cutting... I think it'll lay flat once I get the borders on it later this week. Next step is 4" borders on this quilt and then 1" borders on the 14 12" blocks.
I also signed up for a paper piecing class next Sunday, using Hoffman fabrics in a Jelly Roll and a Judy Niedemeyer pattern. I've only flirted with paper piecing and never bought a Jelly Roll; it's very exciting!!!

On the loom is a "sakiori" fabric intended for a vest. It's an old pair of wool pants cut into 1/2" strips, woven pick and pick with 5/2 cotton; I've used 5/2 cotton in the weft as well. I'm not sure if I have enough wool; if I don't, I've got some navy pants that I can use. The pattern is from the September '08 Handwoven, although I'm weaving a 22" width instead of their 32" width; if I need to, I'll add fabric at either the hem or the shoulder. The pattern has a front/collar band; I'll likely make the pattern full width and just do binding on the edges.

I finished a shawl that I knit from Amsterdam vacation yarn (the pink; it's merino and nettle) and a multi-color that I spun from a Kitty Rabbit Kreations monster kettle (merino and bamboo). It's about 66" on the hypotenuse, and very drapey. I love it for a spring look.
I started on the Twister cowl, in a Hedgehog Fibers Sock yarn that I bought in Dublin.
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